A  rectangular arrangement of numbers in rows and columns , is called a matrix ,and enclosed by small ( ) or big [ ] brackets .

Example -        ,    

Type of matrix

Row matrix
                        A matrix which have only one row , then it is called Row               
                       Thus A= [   is a Row matrix if m=1
                                         [ 1,3,5 ]                       

Column matrix
                               A matrix which have only one column, when it is       
                               Called a Column matrix
                               Thus, A=[  is a Column matrix if n=1

 Square matrix – A matrix in which the number of rows is
                             Equal to the number of columns is called a
                              Square matrix             
                              Thus, [   where m=n=1
                                                 is Square matrix of order 2    

Diagonal matrix-    A square matrix is called a Diagonal matrix if all
                                   the elements, except those in the leading
                                    Diagonal ,are  Zero                                                                                                                                            

Scalar matrix-  A diagonal matrix in which all the diagonal elements                          
                            are equal ,is called Scalar matrix

Null Matrix-   A matrix whose all elements are zero, is called null
                         matrix or zero matrix. 


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